Layout Examples

List of predefined application layouts

Perfect crafted layouts

Boooya Application Layout Examples

All examples is mobile ready, supports all layout features such as footer, sidebars, panels etc. All layout examples works in boxed layout mode.
Start your application right now, and build your own layout using all layout components that included in Boooya template.


Basic layout example with left sidebar and header(inside mode).
Sidebar supports minimized and hidden mode.

Fixed Navigation

This navigations is fixed and with custom scrollbar.
Supports hiddem mode and minimized with open-on-hover.

Minimized Navigation

This navigation is minimized by default.
Can be toggled to basic mode and hidden.

Hidden Navigation

This navigation is hidden by default.
Can be toggled to basic mode and minimized.

Light Navigation

Custom navigation style special for this page.
Its supports all basic features.

Mobile Style Navigation

Simple navigation in case if you need small navigation and lots of free space on page.

Header With Navigation

Basic navigation in header. Supports dropdowns and megamenu. Also it's mobile ready.

Custom Header Navigation

Extended header navigation where first level is using as tab, and second as links.

RTL Support

Boooya template supports RTL mode. So it's easy to make it right to left.

More Comming Soon

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7 new, latest: July 19, 2016 at 10:14:32.

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19/07/2016 08:44:51 AM

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19/07/2016 08:30:00 AM

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18/07/2016 06:14:32 PM

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