Read this before you start using template
Revolution Admin Template
v1.3 Potato - 15 september 2016
Development & Design
Name: Dmitry Ivaniuk
Files inside downloaded package
In downloaded package you will find this list of files(actual for v1.3):
Information about template update
This update includes new plugins, features and pages with new elements.
We recommend to update dev/css folder and dev/js folder. Lots of plugins was updated.
This update includes new plugins, features and pages with new elements.
We recommend to update dev/css folder. There lots of changes in elements, and new landing page files.
Also dont forget to update app.js, app_plugins.js and upload new js files:
In case of use html version of template: update css/styles.css and upload css/landing.css plus upload/update all js files described above.
Important thing in v1.2 is javascrip include on pages. Now each page in template includes only important scripts for this page.
When you starts using Boooya v1.2 dont forget to include all scripts for your features that is not on example page.
- blank.html page contains with all template javascript files.
We recommend to update all less files in dev folder and upload new:
Also dont forget to update app.js, app_plugins.js and upload new js files:
In case of use html version of template: update css/styles.css and upload/update all js files described above.
Information about stylesheet files
Basic template colors can be changed in css/variables.less
. For elements like navigation, footer, header etc. use their less files. Check section How to & Tricks for more information.
Information about js files
Basic html structure for all documents
This is universal panel
Use this container for navigation or whatever you want
Main template navigation feature
Data container hidden by default
Use footer to display some important information that should be on each page
Container for your content is very powerfull
Main container for your data, much better then bootstrap panel
Custom accordion function with cool functionality
Prettify your information and show it like a boss
Simple and special listing
Special elements to display user information
List of tiles with different features
Lists with news and other information
You can use this feature to save space
You can use this feature to save space
LoadingCustom feature to show your loading state
Notify your customers in new way
Extra feature for preview your data
This section will help you understend how it works
The innovation in admin template design. You will save hundred hours while working with our template. That is based on latest technologies and understandable for all.
This template included with thousand of best components, that really help you to build awesome design.
Quod quam magnum sit fictae veterum fabulae declarant, in quibus tam multis.
In quibus tam multis tamque variis ab ultima antiquitate repetitis tria.
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