Editable Form

Full featured web editing


This library allows you to create editable elements on your page.

User name superuser Simple text field
First name Empty Empty text field, required
Sex not selected Select, local array, custom display
Group Admin Select, remote array, no buttons
Status Active Select, error while loading
Date of birth 15/05/1984 Combodate (date)
Event Empty Combodate (datetime)
Comment awesome user! Textarea, buttons below. Submit by ctrl+enter
Fruits peach
Tags html, javascript Select2 (tags mode)
Country Bahamas Select2 (dropdown mode)
Address Kyiv, Revutskogo st., bld. 44 Custom input, several fields


7 new, latest: July 19, 2016 at 10:14:32.

Product Delivered delivered

#SPW-955-18 to st. StreetName SA, USA.

19/07/2016 10:14:32 AM

Successful Payment success

Payment for order #SPW-955-17: $145.44.

19/07/2016 09:55:12 AM

New Order #SPW-955-17 waiting

Added new order, waiting for payment. Order details.

19/07/2016 09:51:55 AM

Money Back Request return

#SPW-955-17 return requested. Request details.

19/07/2016 08:44:51 AM

The critical amount of product important

Product: Extra Awesome Product (amount: 2). Storehouse.

19/07/2016 08:30:00 AM

Product Delivery Start delivering

#SPW-955-18 to st. StreetName SA, USA.

18/07/2016 06:14:32 PM

Critical Server Load server

Disk space: 248.1Gb/250Gb. Control panel.

18/07/2016 06:14:32 PM


Notification Settings

Header themes
Navigation themes

It's easy to customize our template. Use /dev/css/variables.less file to make Boooya more unique.